An Adoption Readiness or Pre-Adoption Evaluation is a psychological assessment typically required by international adoption agencies as one portion of the mental health screening process. It usually includes a clinical interview covering information of childhood, employment, education, mental health history, current functioning, substance abuse history, legal history, life stressors, coping, cultural awareness/sensitivity, marital satisfaction, motivation to adopt, and understanding of adoption. It also typically includes administration of the MMPI-2-RF which is the most widely used and well-researched test of adult personality. Since countries vary in their requirements, Dr. Novit collaborates with your adoption agency and tailors the evaluation to ensure fulfillment of all requirements.
Generally, people find it intimidating and stressful to visit a psychologist in order to have a psychological evaluation. This nervousness tends to increase when people are trying to adopt a child. Dr. Novit makes the evaluation as seamless as possible and she is sensitive to the concerns and issues that a pre-adoptive individual or couple may be currently experiencing and/or experienced in the past. She is understanding and compassionate toward frequently encountered issues such as past/current psychological treatment for anxiety/depression, loss of a pregnancy, or difficulty conceiving. Dr. Novit uses this evaluation as a therapeutic opportunity for pre-adoptive individuals or couples to learn more about themselves and their relationship and enhance their confidence in their child-rearing skills.